CPU: AMD Athlon 2100+ running at 1.7 GHz
RAM: 1x 512 DDR 2 ram
MB: ummm some type
GFX: geeforce 4 ti4200 (64mb)
HDD: 15GB western digital caviar hdd (I think from like 99?)
PSU: 250w (it's black and looked cool in 2002)
Cooling: Thermalight fan in horrible beige :X
Soundcard: soundblaster pro something or other
Headphones: speakers baught from curries for like £20 in 2002
Monitor: Cornerstone color 45/101sf (19" CRT)
Keyboard and mouse: Black keyboard and intellimouse (original one)
Pheer my pc!!!
newest thing from it is the gfx card and that was I think late 2002 I got it. also the same year I started playing lfs